Call for Special Sessions

Special Sessions Committee :Inês Campos – DECA e Tânia Lima – DEM

The ICEUBI2022 Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions to be held during the ICEUBI2022 International Congress on Engineering in Covilhã, Portugal, from 28th till 30th November 2022.

The congress will provide a place for academics, research focused practitioners and policy makers to present research findings in the areas of engineering and other related areas.

Special sessions complement the regular technical program by highlighting new and emerging research topics or innovative applications of established approaches.

⇒ Topics :

  • RE-ARCHITECTURES: DIGITALSTAGE scenography installations
  • Sustainability of Ground Improvement works
  • Symposium UNITA on Multiphysics Simulation
  • Applications for security and defence
  • Sustainable Solutions for the AgroFood Sector – S4Agro


Special Sessions proposal must have a title, which should be timely and compelling; an abstract (with description of the topic, focus of the special session, relevance to the scientific community and novelty of the same with a maximum length between 200 and 220 words, 1.550 characters, including blank spaces); the name/names of the special session organiser/organisers, short biography (to place in the special session notice) and email
It is necessary to inform the organizers that the special sessions will only work if they have 5 articles (minimum). If not, they will be grouped with another session.
The participation of speakers from industry in a special session proposal is encouraged and will be positively evaluated when the proposal is assessed.

Note that all papers will be subject to the same peer review process as for regular papers.


(+351) 275 242 051 (Andreia Alves)

Key dates

June, 14
Call for special sessions proposal

July, 14
Deadline special session